We are all being told that we need to write content, and of course we do, but there are those days when we've got nothing. The brain just can't come up with anything to write and we go into a panic.
To overcome this issue, here is my list of "In Case of Emergency" blog post or article ideas. Of course if you write about all of these during the month you will have a pretty dynamic blog, filled with lots of great information that is certain to create deep connection with your community.
1. Do a behind the scenes article on part of your business. Maybe something like "a day in the life of our delivery guy" or "come and meet the accounts department".
2. "How to" advice on whatever your area of expertise may be. This might be in the form of videos, articles, MP3 recordings, interviews, whatever is going to work best with your audience and whatever is going to be easiest to produce.
3. Product reviews are always helpful. You can save people time, take the confusion out of their purchasing decisions and have some fun at the same time.
4. Business news--what's happening around your business? New people, milestones, new services, new products, things like that.
5. Meet the people--profile individuals within your business and again, have some fun with it. Show their personalities, what they like to do when they aren't working, what their great assets are and so on.
6. Have a soapbox rant once a month--what's driving you nuts? Now it's good to be passionate, but pick your topic wisely. Learn from those politicians that seem to lack the ability to sensor what they rant about.
7. Showcase one of your customers every week--who they are, what they do, find out their story and how it is they came to be doing business with you.
8. Unusual facts and figures about your business--how much stuff do you use, your most distant order, the funniest customer request?
9. Invite someone to write a guest blog post--maybe a supplier, a family member, a friend or a customer. Even get other people in the business to write an article from time to time.
10. How about a quote of the week? And explain why it is important or meaningful to you.
11. A monthly summary of what's been going on in the business for the past month. Highlites, challenges, bestselling products or services, anything new and so on.
12. Special offers (no one ever complains about special offers but make sure they are great offers).
13. Share some of the stories about the not for profit work that you do or the charities you support but go a little deeper, why are you involved, what's your back story for supporting the charity?
14. What are the most frequently asked questions that you get asked? Just answer one at a time, you don't need to answer them all at once.
15. Talk about new products and services being developed--don't wait for them to be finished, talk about them when they are in production.
16. Share your mistakes--show you are human when you get things wrong, and explain why it happened and what you did about it.
17. Do you have any free resources?
18. Can you recommend other businesses--maybe there is a business close by, like a restaurant, that you and your team love, why not post a positive review on your site?
19. Are there any events coming up that might be of interest to your community (even if they aren't your events)?
20. Your take on a news story that is relevant to your business, industry or community.
21. Write about your success stories. Now this isn't a brag post, but an overview of a project or product that you have developed for a customer that worked really well. The customer gets featured, you show your capability, and everyone wins.